Andrea MaackComment


Andrea MaackComment

I was invited to use an abandoned Herring factory in West Iceland as my studio for a week, so me and my team (Íris Dögg photogarper, Sandra producer, Thelma make up, Gísli ceo and Ingunn and Sigga who had just joined the company a few weeks earlier) packed our bags.  I asked the girls who left a day early to collect driftwood from the beaches of the West fjords on the way there, the wood comes all the way from Siberia and looks very beautiful, the trick is to find the most visual pieces. I headed out a day later with the rest of the team in one of the strangest drives of my life. The road to Djúpavík is super steep, it got dark at 17:30 and we were driving through "Witch-land"a place in Iceland that is said to have the most witchcraft history, this is where they were burned.....and driving like this you just dont see anything until all of a sudden you hear water and out of nowhere appears this amazing waterfall that was just outside where we were staying. Only two people live in Djúpavík full time Eva and Ási that moved there with their 3 children in the 80´s, she told me that the first 25 years had been hard...lovely people who graciously let us stay all together in one cute house.  After dinner the crew was chilling and playing cards, I decided to go outside for a walk and looked up to see the most amazing Northern Lights I have ever seen in my life and the stars were so bright...we all lay in the grass looking up it was one of those amazing outer body moments what a great start to the week

Photos: Íris Dögg EInarsdóttir

Ingunn and Sigga chose some really nice driftwood pieces for me to work with  

Details of the driftwood

Northern lights outside the cabin we were staying in

The waterfall we were greeted with upon arrival

Supernatural moments the first night (dress Rick Owens)