Nike shoot

Nike shoot

On our way back from Djúpavík, Nike had asked us to take a few images at Krossneslaug, one of the nicest infinity pools in Iceland built by local farmers in 1954. The pool’s water comes from hot springs nearby. On our way there we had the most amazing pink light and I decided to go for a run with Íris shooting behind me. The pool has a vey narrow road leading down to it, and I stupidly decided to drive the jeep all the way down only to find out that the only way back was to back all the way up...thank god my dad tough me how to drive very very thoroughly..Me, Íris and Thelma had an amazing afternoon in the pool after the shoot we just relaxed and enjoyed the rest of the day, it doesn´t get any more serene than that

Photos Íris Dögg Einarsdóttir, clothing Nike, make-up Thelma using Inglot